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R18 Download Video R-player Plus Problems


About Membership Registration
Q: Is the R18.com membership completely free?


Yes. Registration with R18.com is FREE.
You will only need to pay for the items and services that you purchase.

Q: I am already a DMM Japan member. Can I use the same login information to login to R18.com?


Yes, you can use the DMM Japan's login information to login to R18.com.
You can use the R18.com login information to login to DMM Japan as well.

Please note that your DMM library will remain in DMM.co.jp.
If you wish to view the items you purchased, please access your DMM library from the links below:

[Movies Library]

* The R18.com product lineup may differ from DMM product lineup.

Q: How can I check and edit my account information?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account].

Q: How can I change the email address that I registered?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account] ---> [Basic Registration Information].

Q: How can I change my password?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account] ---> [Basic Registration Information].

Q: Where can I see the items that I purchased?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Library] on the top menu bar.
You can also view your Payment History in [My Account] ---> [Payment Information].

Q: I don't seem to be receiving emails from R18.com...


It may be because you registered the wrong email address, or because emails from R18.com are being marked as spam, therefore not reaching your mailbox.

To check the email address you registered with R18.com, please see [My Account].

R18.com emails may come from following domain(s):
* r18.com

Please check the settings of your email service to ensure that emails from R18.com reach your mailbox.

Q: How can I cancel my R18.com account permanently?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account]. Then click [Cancel R18.com Account] and follow the instructions.

Please carefully confirm each step before proceeding with a full cancellation of your valuable R18.com account.
You CANNOT recover your account once you cancel it.

Q: I still have questions.


Please contact our [Web Support].

About Login
Q: I am already a DMM Japan member. Can I use the same login information to login to R18.com?


Yes, you can use the DMM Japan's login information to login to R18.com.
You can use the R18.com login information to login to DMM Japan as well.

Please note that your DMM library will remain in DMM.co.jp.
If you wish to view the items you purchased, please access your DMM library from the links below:

[Movies Library]

* The R18.com product lineup may differ from DMM product lineup.

Q: I cannot login...


First, please make sure that your User ID (your registered email address) and Password are correct. Then please check the following:

* Please check your Caps Lock key.
* Please make sure that you are not typing 2-byte characters.
* Please make sure that there are no error in letters such as 1 (one), l (el), I (eye), 0 (zero), O (oh).
* Please make sure that you are not entering any unnecessary spaces.

If you correctly enter your login information and still cannot login, please reset your password from [Lost your password?].

Q: I forgot my user ID...


Your User ID is your registered email address.
If you forgot your email address, please contact our [Web Support].

Q: I forgot my password...


Please reset your password from [Lost your password?].

Q: How can I check my login history?


Please login to your account, and go [My Account] ---> [Security Information].

Q: There are unknown access logs in my login history...


Your account may have had unauthorized access.
Please change your password from [My Account] immediately, then check your [Payment History].

Q: How can I change the email address that I registered?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account] ---> [Basic Registration Information].

Q: How can I change my password?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account] ---> [Basic Registration Information].

Q: I still have questions.


Please contact our [Web Support].

About Payment
Q: What currencies does R18.com accept?


R18.com accepts only Japanese Yen.
The site displays other currencies, but they are simply a "reference price".
You will be billed in Japanese Yen.

Q: What types of payment methods does R18.com have?


We accept credit cards and DMM Points.

About DMM Points click here
Q: What brands of credit card can I use on R18.com?


You can use credit cards with the following logos:

Some credit cards may not be used for certain services.

Debit cards are also accepted.

However, if the usage of your debit cards is limited within certain country or territories, you may not be able to use your cards on our site. Please check with your card company.

Q: Can we use debit cards with R18.com?


Yes you can.

* There may be some credit card services which cannot be used.

* Some restrictions may apply due to your contract with your credit card company.

Special considerations

When using a debit card, the amount is deducted immediately upon purchase.Due to card processing validation, we perform an authorization check which may require an amount to be deducted from your debit card. This amount will be refunded after purchase has been successfully processed.There may be some time taken for this refund to occur. We thank you for your understanding. If you have any issues, please contact your debit card company.

Q: Who will charge me when I use my credit card for payment? What name will be on the credit card statement?


In order for us to have as many users around the world as possible to make purchases in our site, we deal with many different banks and card companies. Your payments will be processed by some of these banks and card companies.

The following are the example of the billers that you will see in your credit card statement:

* The biller names are followed by the support phone numbers.

** In rare occasion, you may see different biller names in your statement. When you see a biller that is not in our list, please check with your card company and with our web support.

Card authorization CHOCOM DMM
チョコム DMM
Purchase REBOOT
チョコム DMM
Q: Is registering my credit card on R18.com safe?


Your credit card and personal information is transmitted securely via SSL encryption.
Your card information is always safe.

Q: Can I pay in installments?


We do not accept installment payments.
The purchase must be paid in a single payment.

Q: When will transactions for items I purchase be completed?


Your transaction is complete at the time of your purchase.

Q: Can I view my payment history?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account] ---> [Payment Information].

Q: When will money be withdrawn from my account for purchases I make?


Please contact your credit card company, as this depends on the billing date of your credit card company.

* Please note that all purchase date are based on Japanese Standard Time.

Q: Will product names be listed on my credit card statement?


Product names will NOT be listed.

Q: How can I register, change, or update my credit card information?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account] ---> [Payment Information].

Q: When I try to register, change, or update my credit card information, it fails...


Please make sure that there are no mistakes in your registered credit card information.

* FULL NAME: Make sure your first and last name are entered as they appear on your credit card in alphanumeric.

* CARD NUMBER: Make sure it is entered correctly in alphanumeric and that there are no spaces or hyphens.

* EXPIRATION DATE: Make sure the month and year are entered correctly.

* SECURITY CODE: The location of the code on the card differs accordingly to the company. Please refer to [What is "Security Code"?].

If there are no mistakes and you still have trouble, please contact your credit card company and check the validity of your card.

Q: My credit card has been declined for some reason...


Credit card transaction problems may be due to one or more of the following reasons:

* The credit card registered with R18.com has expired.
* You have gone over your credit card limit.
* You have insufficient funds.
* Data transmission temporarily unavailable (including due to maintenance)
* You have ordered a high-priced item or items.

* Note: In order to prevent unauthorized use, your card may be suspended by your credit card company. If the problem continues, please contact your credit card company.

To update your credit card information, please login to your account and go [My Account] ---> [Payment Information].

Q: What is "Security Code"?


Security Code is used as an additional security feature for "card not present" payment card transactions against credit card fraud. It is in addition to the bank card number which is embossed or printed on the card.

The card security code is located on the back of MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit or debit cards and is typically a separate group of 3 digits to the right of the signature strip.

On American Express cards, the card security code is a printed, not embossed, group of four digits on the front of the card on the right.

Q: Why is the date on my credit card statement different from my payment history?


Credit card billing dates vary depending on the credit card company, and these dates may differ from the Payment History in R18.com.

* Please note that all purchase date are based on Japanese Standard Time.

Q: How can I delete my credit card information?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account] ---> [Payment Information].
Then click [EDIT] and [Remove Card].

Q: I still have questions.


Please contact our [Web Support].

About DMM Points
Q: What are DMM Points?


DMM Points are a prepaid payment method for use with DMM and R18.com.
You can charge with a variety of payment methods and get a 1% point-back bonus when you charge with your credit card.

For more details click here

Q: What do 'Purchased points' and 'Bonus points' refer to?


The 'Purchased points' refers to the DMM Points that you have charged.
'Bonus points' refers to points that you have acquired via campaigns and point-back bonuses when using a credit card.

Q: Tell me how to charge DMM Points.


Q: How long does it take for DMM Points to be reflected in my balance, the possible purchase amount, and service fees?


Possible Purchase Amount: JPY500 - JPY100,000
Time Until Purchase is Reflected in Balance: As soon as purchase is completed.
Transaction Fee: Free

Q: I charged DMM Points but they are not reflected in my balance.


The time that takes for your charged DMM Points to be reflected in your balance varies according to the payment method used.
Please refer to the Q&A below to check the relevant times for your DMM Points to be reflected in your balance.

Time taken for charge to be reflected in DMM Points can be viewed HERE

Check your DMM Point balance HERE

If your charge is not reflected in your DMM Point balance after the relevant period please log in and use the form below to contact us.
Members-only contact form (regarding payment and membership status (if, for example, your DMM Point balance does not update after recharging))

Q: How can I check my DMM Points balance?


After logging in to DMM you will be able to check your points from the "Your DMM Points" column at the top right of the DMM website (https://www.dmm.co.jp/).

Follow the steps below.

Log in to DMM.
Click Customer Information" from the "My Page menu at the top right.
Click DMM Points" from the left-hand side menu in Customer Information.
Check your DMM Point balance HERE

Q: Tell me about the expiration date for DMM Points.


The expiration date of the DMM point differs depending on the charge method or the acquisition method.

Purchased points : Expiration date is 1 year
Bonus points
1% point back bonus: Expiration date is 6 months
Campaign bonus points: Expiration depends on the campaign

To see your current point balance and validity, please click here
The times displayed are in JST

Q: Can I get a refund for DMM Points?


We do not refund DMM Points.

Q: When I have both purchased points and bonus points, which one takes preference when being used?


Bonus points will be consumed before the use of purchase points.

Q: What is the 1% credit card 'point back' bonus?


If you use a credit card to make a purchase on R18.com, you will receive 1% ~ 5% of the paid amount (based on Japanese Yen) in Purchased Points.
After you receive the points, they have an expiry of 6 months from the earned date.

When buying R18.com products get the biggest benefits when paying by credit card.
From 0.01USD to 87.99USD: 1% back in points
From 88.00USD to 175.99USD: 2% back in points
From 176.00USD to 263.99USD: 3% back in points
From 264.00USD to 351.99USD: 4% back in points
More then 352.00USD: 5% back in points
If you mix your payment methods (Credit card and points) you still benefit from the amount paid by credit card. Remember, points expire after 180 days.

Q: How much is 1 DMM Point worth?


1 DMM Point is worth 1 Japanese Yen (JPY)

Q: Can purchased DMM Points be used on both DMM.com / FANZA?


Yes you can.

Q: Can bonus points earned from R18.com be used on DMM.com / FANZA?


Yes you can.

Q: When making a purchase, can I make a partial purchase with DMM Points?


Yes you can.
* If using a credit card, the payment amount must be at least 100 JPY.
* For recurring payments, you cannot make partial purchases with DMM Points.

Q: Can you transfer DMM Points to other accounts?


Sorry, you cannot.

Q: Can DMM Points be used for a partial payment for channel subscriptions?


Yes you can.
However, you cannot use DMM Points to make a partial payment for a 2-day trial subscription.

When paying for an initial subscription to a channel, you can make a partial purchase with DMM Points and credit card. However, subsequent recurring payments will be charged fully to your credit card.
The recurring payments cannot be made with partial purchased using DMM Points.

Q: Can recurring payments be made partially using DMM Points?


Sorry, you cannot.

Q: If the payment for the initial subscription is partially paid for with DMM Points, how will the recurring payments be handled?


When paying for an initial subscription to a channel, you can make a partial purchase with DMM Points and credit card. However, subsequent recurring payments will be charged fully to your credit card.
The recurring payments cannot be made with partial purchased using DMM Points.

Q: If I make a full payment using DMM Points to subscribe to a channel, what happens to the subsequent recurring payments if there is an insufficient DMM Point balance?


If the recurring payment fails, you will receive an email. Please charge your DMM Points to ensure sufficient balance.
If there is not enough balance, your Channel subscription contract will cancelled.

System Requirements
Q: What are the system requirements for each service?


Please check the following links:

[Movies System Requirements]

Q: What browsers are supported by R18.com?


The following browsers are supported by R18.com:

Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Safari 12 or later

Q: I still have questions.


Please contact our [Web Support].

About Movies
Q: What types of content are available in Video On Demand?


The following floors are available in Video On Demand:

Adult Movies, Amateur Porn, Hentai Anime

Go to [Video On Demand TOP].

Q: What are the system requirements to watch movies on R18.com?


The following requirements are needed to watch movies on R18.com:

OS Windows 8.1 / 10
Browser Microsoft Edge (latest version) / Firefox (latest version) / Google Chrome (latest version)
Player [R Player v2]
OS Mac OS 10.12 or later
Browser Safari 12 or later / Firefox (latest version) / Google Chrome (latest version)
Player [R Player v2]
Windows/Mac 4K Download
OS Windows 10 or later / Mac 0S 10.12 or later
CPU Intel 7 Generation or later ( i7, i9)
AMD Ryzen or later
Mac with Apple T2 security chip after 2018
Graphics NVIDIA GTX 1060 or better
Radeon RX 580 or better
Memory 16 GB or more
Monitor 4K / 60Hz compatible screen (HDCP 2.2 compatible for external screen)
OS Android 5.0 or later
Browser Google Chrome (latest version)
Player [R Player]
VR iOS / iPadOS
OS As of [Secure Player] requirements.
Browser N/A
Player [Secure Player] (VR movie playback is not supported on iPhone 5/5c)
VR Android
OS Android 5.0 or Later
CPU Snapdragon800 or Later
Memory 2GB or more
Player [R Player]
VR (HQ/UHQ) Android
OS Android 5.0 or Later
CPU Snapdragon800 or Later

Asus Tango / Asus 5Z

GalaxyS8 / GalaxyS8+ / Galaxy Note8 / GalaxyS9 / GalaxyS9+ / Galaxy Note9

Xperia XZ / Xperia XZs / Xperia XZ1 / Xperia XZ1 Compact / Xperia XZ Premium / Xperia XZ2 / Xperia XZ2 Compact / Xperia XZ2 Premium

LG Jo Jo L-02K / LG v30+

Aquos R / Aquos R2

HTC U11 / HTC U12+

Memory 2GB or more
Player [R Player]
VR Windows
OS Windows 10
CPU Intel Core™ i5
Memory 8 GB
Browser Edge (latest version)
VR macOS
OS macOS Mojave or later
CPU 2.2 GHz
Memory 8 GB
Browser Safari (latest version)
Windows MR
OS Windows 10 10240.0 or later
CPU Intel Core™ i5
Graphics NVIDIA GTX 1060 or better
Memory 8 GB
Browser Edge (latest version)
Oculus Rift S / Oculus Rift / HTC Vive
OS Windows 10
Graphics NVIDIA GTX 1060 or better
Memory 16 GB
Browser Microsoft Edge (latest version) / Firefox(latest version)/ Google Chrome (latest version)
Oculus Go / Oculus Quest & Quest 2
Browser Firefox Reality(latest version)/ Oculus Browser (latest version)
Gear VR
Browser Oculus Browser (latest version)
OS v9.0 b1 or later
Device 5th generation devices or later (2016~)
Roku (4K)
OS v10.0 or later
Device Roku Ultra, Roku Express 4K, Roku Streambar or more recent 4K compatible devices
Q: How to play VR movies?


Please check our [VR Welcome Page].

Q: How to exit VR mode in Oculus Quest 2?


If you click the menu button in the controller on the left side of the Oculus, you will be able to exit the VR mode.

Q: How to play .WMV movies?


Q: Where can I check the movies that I purchased?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Library] on the top menu bar.

Q: What is "Play Limit"? How long can I download the movies that I purchase?


Play Limit is the expiration date. If there is a Play Limit in that movie, you may download the movie as many times as you like until that limit. Please make sure to finish downloading and confirm that you can watch the movies before they expire.

If you are unable to watch the movies normally, the download may have failed. Please erase your browser's temporary files (cache) and try downloading them again.

Please be aware that once a movie's Play Limit expires, you will no longer be able to download that movie, so please be careful not to lose or damage your downloaded data.

Q: What is "Play Limit"? How long can I watch the movies I purchase?


Play Limit is the expiration date. You can watch the movies as many times as you like until the Play Limit expires. Please note that even if the movie has no Play Limit, you will lose access to it if you cancel your account with R18.com.

Please also note that even if the movie has no Play Limit, you will lose access to it if we are required to take the movies off of R18.com under certain circumstances.

If there is a problem, please contact our [Web Support].

Q: Can I watch the movies I purchased on other computers?


You can watch movies on any computer that meets the [system requirements].

However, you cannot watch the same movie on multiple devices simultaneously.

Q: I purchased the wrong movie by mistake...


Once a purchase has been made, we cannot change or cancel the order.

Q: How to Auto-Play the movies in MacOS Safari ?

A: After you open Safari, plesase click [ Safari ] at the top left area, and click [ Setting for This Website… ].

A: You will find [ Auto-Play ] field.

A: Please select [ Allow All Auto-Play ] to play the movie Automatically.

Q: How can I download the movies I purchased?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Library] on the top menu bar.

Steps to download a movie:

(1) Click on a movie cover.
(2) Select movie quality (kbps).
(3) If there are multiple parts, select the file number. If there is only one part, click the [ 1 ] button.
(4) Open the saved file using R Player v2.

* If download doesn't start, please try right-clicking the button in step (3) and select [Save file as...].

** For Mac OS users, please do not right-click in step (3). Instead, please hold down the [control] button as you click.

*** If you do not have R Player v2, please visit [R18.com Tools] page and follow the steps to install R Player v2.

Q: How can I stream the movies I purchased?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Library] on the top menu bar.

Steps to stream a movie:

(1) Click on a movie cover.
(2) Click "Watch" button in the STREAMING section.

Q: I want to watch the movies in my mobile device.


You can watch movies that were released after September 1st, 2013 on your mobile devices.

Q: When I try to watch a movie, I get a license authentication screen...


Please enter your R18.com login information (email address & password). You need internet connection when you authenticate license.

You may be asked again when you change your device, so please store your account information securely.

Q: I cannot play movies normally...


First, please refer to [About R Player v2].
If the problem continues, please check the following for possible problems and solutions:

* The movie is choppy or skipping frames. For a smooth playback experience, you need a broadband internet connection. If your broadband connection isn't fast enough, movies may stutter. Please try performing a speed test of your connection. This can be accomplished by going to https://www.speedtest.net.

Once complete, examine the results. If your download speed is below 1,000Kb/s (~1.0 Mb/s), then your bandwidth is fairly limited. You may want to consider lowering the playback bit rate. You may also want to contact your Internet Service Provider to get a download speed of over 1.0 Mb/s.

If you are watching a movie over a wireless connection and your movie is stuttering, please try watching over a wired connection or move your computer closer to your wi-fi router for a stronger signal.

If the problem continues, there may be some issues with your internet connection.
In that case, please contact your internet service provider for help.

* The specified file cannot be found.
* Cannot run the file because the specified protocol is not supported.
* The server cannot be found.
* The file cannot be played because there was a network error.
* The page cannot be displayed.
Please check your firewall settings, as files may not be played because of the firewall security software.

* Please contact the manufacturer of your security software for more details.

* The copy-protected file cannot be played or synced because there was an error while authenticating the license.
* There was a problem in the license storage.
* There was a problem with DRM components.
* Security storage protection error occurred.
The problem may be solved by initializing the license file.
After you initialize the license file, you will need to re-acquire a license before playing the movies. Please note that some products (including non-DMM services) may have restrictions on issuing licenses.

* Initializing a license file is a system file operation. R18.com is not responsible for your system file operation, so please perform this action at your own risk.
* Please close Internet Explorer completely after initializing a license file.

* An error occurred in the script on this page.
* The script error "netobj" is undefined.
* There is an "X" in the upper right corner.
Please click on the info bar and activate ActiveX controls.
If that does not solve the problem, please try resetting your browser.
* Authentication error occurred.
* The license does not work.
* I cannot find the movies I purchased. Please login to your account, and go to [My Library] on the top menu bar.
* I cannot rewind, fast forward or use the seek bar.
* The movie stops midway, or the download finishes midway.
The download may have failed.
Try deleting your browser's temporary files (cache), then try downloading it again.
Q: The displayed images and samples differ from the video product i purchased.


Depending on the delivery type, there may be differences between the actual video product and sample images and videos. There are occasions where scenes used in sample material is used purely for promotional purposes and may not actually be contained in the video products.

Q: Why does playback on Chromecast sometimes stop?


playback can unexpectedly stop in low speed WiFi environments. We recommend WiFi connections of at least 8 Mbps.

Q: I still have questions.


Please contact our [Web Support].

About Channels
Q: What is Channels service?


The channel subscription is a paid service that allows you to watch all the movies within a particular channel as much as you like. We currently offer monthly subscriptions. Once you subscribed to a channel, there are no other fees to freely view all the content within that channel. Many major producers and unique categories are available at no additional cost for you to enjoy!

* Wide Variety of Channels!
Famous producers, hundreds of categories, thousands of series are all just clicks away.

* Cost Effective!
Single item purchases can run up the bill quickly, so why not spend your money more wisely? Why buy one movie at $14 USD when you can spend $28 USD at the Playgirl Channel and have access to over 20,000 movies! That's 14 US cents a movie!

* Join at Any Time!
You can start your month at any time! If you start on June 25th JST, you have a full month till July 24th JST to enjoy all the movies you like!

* Uninterrupted Service!
With auto-renewed subscriptions, you never have to worry about the hassle of re-registering or purchasing content again. Just uninterrupted service till you decide to cancel your subscription.

NOTE: Before you purchase a channel, please be sure to try out a sample movie and make sure you are able to view our products on your device. Please visit [R18.com Tools] page for a sample movie.

If using a Mac, please be sure to use the [R Player v2] to view the downloaded movies.

Q: How long can I watch the movies in the subscription service after joining?


You can watch movies in your subscribed channel till the expiration date. If you have cancelled the service before the expiration date, you have until the expiration date to still have access to those movies.

* Movies that become no longer available on R18.com will not be able to be viewed regardless of the subscription time remaining.

Q: How do I check the expiration date for the service?


You can check your expiration date from [My Library] -> [Channels].

Channels services are automatically renewed each month.
If you do not wish to renew your subscription, please cancel your subscription before the expiration date comes.

Q: How do I cancel my channel subscription?


You can cancel your subscription from [Channel Subscriptions].

* After cancelling your subscription, you will still have access to that channel for the subscription time remaining.
* Cancelling your subscription will NOT cancel your R18.com membership.

Q: What types of payment methods does R18.com have?


You can use credit cards with the following logos:

This is an automatically renewed monthly subscription service.
Your billing period will commence in accordance with JST (Japan Standard Time).

If you do not wish to renew your subscription automatically, you must cancel your subscription before the expiration date comes.

Q: Tell me more about automatic renewal.


This is an automatically renewed monthly subscription service.
Your billing period will commence in accordance with JST (Japanese Standard Time).

If you do not wish to renew your subscription automatically, you must cancel your subscription before the expiration date comes.

Regarding the one month subscription billing period:

- Basic billing period
If your subscription begins on mm/dd/yyyy, it will carry over to the same date of the next month.
For example: If you began your subscription on August 25, 2014, your subscription will expire on September 25. You would be billed again on September 26, October 26, and so on.

- Irregular billing period
If your subscription begins on a day where the following month has no corresponding day, your billing period will be extended to the first day of the following month.
For example: If you began your subscription on August 31, 2014, your subscription will expire on September 30. You would be billed again on October 1, 2014.
This is because the corresponding date "September 31" does not exist.

Q: I purchased the wrong channel by mistake...


Once a purchase has been made, we cannot change it.
If you wish to cancel the subscription, please cancel it before the expiration date comes.

You can cancel your subscription from [My Account] -> [Channel Subscriptions].

Q: I am unable to download and received the error, [Not enough disk space.]


Please check to see that your hard disk has enough free space.
If your hard disc file system is set to FAT or FAT32, you will not be able to save a very large file.

* Large files can run over 4GB in size.

Q: When I try to watch a movie, I get a license authentication screen...


Please enter your R18.com login information (email address & password).
You need internet connection when you authenticate license.

You may be asked again when you change your device, so please store your account information securely.

Q: I cannot play movies normally...


First, please refer to [About R Player v2].
If the problem continues, please check the following for possible problems and solutions:

* The movie is choppy or skipping frames. For a smooth playback experience, you need a broadband internet connection. If your broadband connection isn't fast enough, movies may stutter. Please try performing a speed test of your connection. This can be accomplished by going to https://www.speedtest.net.

Once complete, examine the results. If your download speed is below 1,000Kb/s (~1.0 Mb/s), then your bandwidth is fairly limited. You may want to consider lowering the playback bit rate. You may also want to contact your Internet Service Provider to get a download speed of over 1.0 Mb/s.

If you are watching a movie over a wireless connection and your movie is stuttering, please try watching over a wired connection or move your computer closer to your wi-fi router for a stronger signal.

If the problem continues, there may be some issues with your internet connection.
In that case, please contact your internet service provider for help.

* The specified file cannot be found.
* Cannot run the file because the specified protocol is not supported.
* The server cannot be found.
* The file cannot be played because there was a network error.
* The page cannot be displayed.
Please check your firewall settings, as files may not be played because of the firewall security software.

* Please contact the manufacturer of your security software for more details.

* The copy-protected file cannot be played or synced because there was an error while authenticating the license.
* There was a problem in the license storage.
* There was a problem with DRM components.
* Security storage protection error occurred.
The problem may be solved by initializing the license file.
After you initialize the license file, you will need to re-acquire a license before playing the movies. Please note that some products (including non-DMM services) may have restrictions on issuing licenses.
* Initializing a license file is a system file operation. R18.com is not responsible for your system file operation, so please perform this action at your own risk.
* Please close Internet Explorer completely after initializing a license file.
* An error occurred in the script on this page.
* The script error "netobj" is undefined.
* There is an "X" in the upper right corner.
Please click on the info bar and activate ActiveX controls.
If that does not solve the problem, please try resetting your browser.
* Authentication error occurred.
* The license does not work.
* I cannot find the movies I purchased. Please login to your account, and go to [My Library] on the top menu bar.
* I cannot rewind, fast forward or use the seek bar.
* The movie stops midway, or the download finishes midway.
The download may have failed.
Try deleting your browser's temporary files (cache), then try downloading it again.
Q: I want to try a test video.


Please visit [R18.com Tools] page.

Q: I still have questions.


Please contact our [Web Support].

About R Player v2
Q: What is "R Player v2"?


On Mac, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, you can download our movies using "R Player v2". Please visit [R18.com Tools] page for more information.

Q: How to play .dcv files?


To play .dcv files you need to install our new "R Player v2".
(R Player and R Player + do only works with .WMV files)

Q: What are the system requirements to use R Player v2?
Windows Mac
OS Windows 8.1 / 10 10.12 or Later
CPU Sandy Bridge generation or later
Core-i5 or higher
Memory 2GB or more
Q: How can I install R Player v2?


Please visit our [Tools] page and install the FREE app.

Q: How can I play downloaded movies using R Player v2?


You can double-click the .dcv file to launch R Player v2.
Or you can launch R Player v2 first, then select the movie file from the application.

Q: How can I set R Player v2 as my default player?


Please try the following:

(1) Right-click on the downloaded movie file

(2) Select "Open With" ---> "Choose Program"

(3) Select "R Player v2"

(4) Tick the "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" check box.

(5) Click OK.

Q: I cannot play movies normally using R Player v2…


Please check the following:

* An error message is being displayed. Please read and follow the instruction in the message.
If the issue continues, please contact our [Web Support].
Please provide the following details:

– Your login ID
– OS version
– R Player v2 version
– Error codes/error messages, if any
– The approx. time that error occurred (your local time)
– Service you are using (Video on Demand or Channels)
– Streaming or Download
– Name/content IDs of the product(s) that you purchased

* The license authentication screen appears. Please enter your email address and password to authenticate your license.
* R Player v2 doesn't play movies smoothly… Please try the following:
If you are using a laptop PC or a tablet PC, please connect it to AC adaptor. This will disable the Power saver mode.

If you do not have the power cable, you can manually disable the Power saver mode:
(1) Click on the power icon in the lower right corner of the PC screen, and open up the "More power options".
(2) Under the "Additional plans" section, select "High Performance", then "Change plan settings".

Q: What do the error codes in R Player v2 mean?


These are the displayed error messages and "What to do" for the error codes.

Error Code Display message What to do
00001-00001 An error occurred during the license acquisition process ・Check your internet connection.
・Try logging out, then logging in again.
・From the settings dialogue, delete license information.
If the above does not help the issue, please contact support.
00002-00001 Unpurchased content ・Please log in using an account that has purchased the content.
・If the content is part of a channel - please check the status of the channel subscription.
・Some contents may have limited availability periods - please check again that the content is still available.
You are not yet logged in Please log in inside the player.
00002-00006 The number of licenses issued has reached the upper limit Please confirm that you are not playing from several devices.
00002-00007 Expired content Please confirm that the content is still available.
00002-00008 Discontinued content The content has been discontinued and is no longer available.
00002-99999 An error occurred during the license acquisition process ・Check your internet connection.
・Try logging out, then logging in again.
・From the settings dialogue, delete license information.
If the above does not help the issue, please contact support.
00003-00001 Failed to load content The downloaded file might be corrupt, or the hardware containing the file might be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Download the file again.
・When downloading the file, try downloading to another folder and/or another disk drive.

00003-00002 Content playback failed The downloaded file might be corrupt, or the hardware containing the file might be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Download the file again.
・When downloading the file, try downloading to another folder and/or another disk drive.

00003-00003 Loading error The downloaded file might be corrupt, or the hardware containing the file might be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Download the file again.
・When downloading the file, try downloading to another folder and/or another disk drive.

Unsupported file format The player cannot play any other file formats than ".dcv".
00004-00001 Failed to import chapter settings Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.
00004-00002 Failed to export chapter settings You might not have write access to the path containing the chapter settings, or there may be unsufficient remaining space, or the file system may be corrupt.
Please try the below.

・Change the directory for exports.
・Change the destination drive for exports.

00004-00003 The chapter configuration file is broken Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.
00004-00004 Chapter setting is empty The file system and/or drive where the user information is saved may be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Try reinstalling the player again - without removing the player first.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.

00005-00001 An unexpected error has occurred The file system and/or drive where the user information is saved may be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Try reinstalling the player again - without removing the player first.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.

00006-00001 Failed to save authentication information The file system and/or drive where the user information is saved may be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Try reinstalling the player again - without removing the player first.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.

00006-00002 Failed to save authentication information The file system and/or drive where the user information is saved may be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Try reinstalling the player again - without removing the player first.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.

00006-00003 An error occurred during the authentication process ・Check your internet connection.
・From the settings dialogue, delete license information.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.
00006-00004 An error occurred during the authentication process ・Check your internet connection.
・From the settings dialogue, delete license information.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.
00006-00005 An error occurred during the authentication process ・Check your internet connection.
・From the settings dialogue, delete license information.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.
00007-00001 Failed to save chapter information The file system and/or drive where the user information is saved may be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Try reinstalling the player again - without removing the player first.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.

00008-00001 Failed to save playlist information The file system and/or drive where the user information is saved may be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Try reinstalling the player again - without removing the player first.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.

00008-00002 Failed to save playlist folder path The file system and/or drive where the user information is saved may be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Try reinstalling the player again - without removing the player first.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.

00009-00001 Failed to save volume The file system and/or drive where the user information is saved may be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Try reinstalling the player again - without removing the player first.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.

00009-00002 Failed to save mute settings The file system and/or drive where the user information is saved may be corrupt.

Please try the below.

・Try reinstalling the player again - without removing the player first.
・Uninstall the player, and install it again. Please note that uninstalling the player will delete information like saved chapters and login information.

Q: I still have questions.


Please contact our [Web Support].

Q: How can I cancel the newsletter subscription?


Please login to your account, and go to [My Account] ---> [Basic Registration Information].
Then select "No" in [Subscribe to Newsletter].

Q: Some of the girls in your products look really young... Are they all old enough to be in porn movies?


They may look young, but all models appearing on R18.com and in R18.com Newsletter are 18 years or older.
They are all asked to submit age verification documents before making an appearance in our products.

And, not to mention, all acts and storylines in our products are performed under consent, are scripted and purely fictional.

Q: I want to view the movies in my mobile device.


You can watch movies in your iOS device using [Secure Player] app and from your Android device using [R Player] app. For more information please check [system requirements].

Q: I still have questions.


Please contact our [Web Support].


Source: https://www.r18.com/info/faq/

Posted by: cesaathome.blogspot.com